10 Databases To Checkout

Let's discuss some of the most used databases in web development today. Find out which one works best for you!

  1. MySQL

  2. PostgreSQL

  3. MongoDB

  4. SQLite

  5. Microsoft SQL Server

  6. Oracle

  7. Redis

  8. Cassandra

  9. Couchbase

  10. MariaDB

It's worth noting that the popularity of databases can vary depending on factors such as the type of application being developed, the size and complexity of the project, and the developer's personal preferences and experience.



  • Type: Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

  • Qualities: High performance, reliability, scalability, ease of use, compatibility with various operating systems, and a large user community.

  • Advantages: Widely used in web development, can handle large volumes of data, supports multiple storage engines, and offers advanced security features.

  • Tech: PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, and more.

  • Key takeaways: MySQL is a popular choice for web developers due to its ease of use, compatibility with various programming languages, and advanced features that make it suitable for managing large volumes of data.


  • Type: Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

  • Qualities: High performance, reliability, scalability, and support for advanced features such as JSON data types, spatial data, and full-text search.

  • Advantages: Open-source and highly customizable, supports ACID transactions, offers strong data integrity, and has a large and active community of developers.

  • Tech: Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, PHP, and more.

  • Key takeaways: PostgreSQL is a popular choice for web developers who require a highly reliable and scalable database that supports advanced features and is highly customizable.


  • Type: NoSQL database

  • Qualities: Flexible data model, scalability, high performance, and ease of use.

  • Advantages: Schemaless, offers high availability and fault tolerance, supports automatic sharding, and offers support for geospatial data and full-text search.

  • Tech: Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Java, PHP, and more.

  • Key takeaways: MongoDB is a popular choice for web developers who require a flexible database with high scalability and performance, and do not require strict data schema requirements.


  • Type: Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

  • Qualities: Lightweight, file-based, easy to use, and supports various operating systems and programming languages.

  • Advantages: Does not require a separate server process, offers ACID compliance, supports multiple concurrent users, and is widely used for mobile app development.

  • Tech PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, and more.

  • Key takeaways: SQLite is a lightweight and portable database that is often used in small to medium web applications, and is particularly popular for mobile app development.

Microsoft SQL Server:

  • Type: Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

  • Qualities: High performance, scalability, reliability, and support for advanced features such as machine learning and data analytics.

  • Advantages: Offers robust security features, supports advanced querying and indexing, and is well-integrated with other Microsoft products.

  • Tech .NET Framework, C#, Visual Basic, and more.

  • Key takeaways: Microsoft SQL Server is a popular choice for enterprise-level web development, particularly for applications that require complex data processing and analysis.


  • Type: Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

  • Qualities: High performance, reliability, scalability, and support for advanced features such as partitioning and data compression.

  • Advantages: Offers strong security features, supports ACID transactions, and is highly customizable.

  • Tech Java, PHP, .NET Framework, and more.

  • Key takeaways: Oracle is a powerful and feature-rich database that is often used in large-scale web applications that require high performance and reliability.


  • Type: Key-value store

  • Qualities: Fast, in-memory data storage, high availability, scalability, and support for advanced data structures.

  • Advantages: Supports data persistence, offers high performance for read-heavy workloads, and provides support for pub/sub messaging and caching.

  • Tech it's used with: Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java, and more.

  • Key takeaways: Redis is a popular choice for web developers who require fast and efficient in-memory data storage, and need support for advanced data structures and pub/sub messaging.


  • Type: Column-family store

  • Qualities: High scalability, fault tolerance, and support for distributed data storage.

  • Advantages: Can handle large volumes of data with high write throughput, supports automatic data replication, and provides support for column-level data access control.

  • Tech Java, Python, C#, and more.

  • Key takeaways: Cassandra is a popular choice for web developers who require a highly scalable and fault-tolerant database that can handle large volumes of data.


  • Type: Document-oriented database

  • Qualities: High performance, scalability, and support for distributed data storage.

  • Advantages: Offers a flexible data model, supports data persistence, provides built-in caching, and offers support for full-text search.

  • Tech: Node.js, Java, PHP, .NET Framework, and more.

  • Key takeaways: Couchbase is a popular choice for web developers who require a flexible and scalable database that supports distributed data storage, data persistence, and full-text search.


  • Type: Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

  • Qualities: High performance, reliability, scalability, and compatibility with MySQL.

  • Advantages: Open-source and highly customizable, supports ACID transactions, offers strong data integrity, and has a large and active community of developers.

  • Tech: PHP, Python, Java, and more.

  • Key takeaways: MariaDB is a popular choice for web developers who require a highly reliable and scalable database that is compatible with MySQL, and is highly customizable.

Use Cases

Common use cases for each database, including DynamoDB and Firebase:


  • E-commerce websites and applications

  • Content management systems (CMS)

  • Social media platforms

  • Financial and accounting systems

  • Healthcare applications

  • Human resource management systems (HRMS)


  • Financial applications

  • E-commerce websites and applications

  • Social media platforms

  • Healthcare applications

  • Geographic information systems (GIS)

  • Online gaming platforms


  • Content management systems (CMS)

  • Real-time analytics

  • Social media platforms

  • Internet of Things (IoT) applications

  • Mobile applications

  • Online marketplaces


  • Mobile applications

  • Web browsers

  • Embedded systems

  • Small to medium web applications

  • Personal productivity tools

Microsoft SQL Server:

  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems

  • Healthcare applications

  • Financial applications

  • Business intelligence systems

  • E-commerce websites and applications


  • Large-scale enterprise applications

  • Financial and accounting systems

  • Healthcare applications

  • Logistics and supply chain management systems

  • Retail and e-commerce platforms

  • Telecommunications systems


  • Caching and session management

  • Real-time analytics

  • Leaderboards and rankings for online gaming platforms

  • Message queuing and pub/sub messaging

  • Geospatial indexing and search

  • Real-time chat and messaging applications


  • Large-scale enterprise applications

  • Internet of Things (IoT) applications

  • Social media platforms

  • Financial applications

  • Online gaming platforms

  • Analytics and reporting systems


  • Content management systems (CMS)

  • Real-time analytics

  • Mobile applications

  • Online marketplaces

  • Ad targeting and personalization

  • Internet of Things (IoT) applications


  • E-commerce websites and applications

  • Social media platforms

  • Healthcare applications

  • Content management systems (CMS)

  • Financial and accounting systems

  • Human resource management systems (HRMS)


  • Ad targeting and personalization

  • Gaming leaderboards and high-score tracking

  • Internet of Things (IoT) applications

  • Real-time analytics

  • User authentication and authorization

  • Recommendation engines


  • Mobile and web applications with real-time data synchronization

  • Social media platforms

  • Gaming applications with real-time updates and leaderboards

  • Push notifications and messaging services

  • User authentication and authorization

  • Analytics and reporting systems

It's important to note that these use cases are not exhaustive and databases can be used for a wide variety of applications beyond the examples listed here.

Skill levels and learning curves:


  • Skill level needed: Beginner to intermediate

  • Learning curve: Relatively easy to learn and use, particularly for those with experience in SQL or other relational databases.


  • Skill level needed: Intermediate to advanced

  • Learning curve: Moderately steep learning curve, particularly for those with little experience in relational databases.


  • Skill level needed: Beginner to intermediate

  • Learning curve: Relatively easy to learn and use, particularly for those with experience in document-oriented databases or NoSQL databases.


  • Skill level needed: Beginner to intermediate

  • Learning curve: Relatively easy to learn and use, particularly for those with experience in SQL or other relational databases.

Microsoft SQL Server:

  • Skill level needed: Intermediate to advanced

  • Learning curve: Moderately steep learning curve, particularly for those with little experience in relational databases.


  • Skill level needed: Advanced

  • Learning curve: Steep learning curve, particularly for those with little experience in relational databases or enterprise-level software.


  • Skill level needed: Intermediate

  • Learning curve: Moderately steep learning curve, particularly for those with little experience in key-value stores or in-memory databases.


  • Skill level needed: Intermediate to advanced

  • Learning curve: Steep learning curve, particularly for those with little experience in distributed databases or column-family stores.


  • Skill level needed: Intermediate

  • Learning curve: Moderately steep learning curve, particularly for those with little experience in document-oriented databases or NoSQL databases.

  • MariaDB:

    • Skill level needed: Beginner to intermediate

    • Learning curve: Relatively easy to learn and use, particularly for those with experience in SQL or other relational databases, particularly MySQL.

  • DynamoDB:

    • Skill level needed: Intermediate to Advanced

    • Learning curve: Difficult

  • Firebase:

    • Skill level needed: Beginner

    • Learning curve: Easy


In conclusion, choosing the right database for a web application is an important decision that can impact the performance, scalability, and flexibility of the application. The top 10 most used databases in web development offer a range of options for developers, from relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL to NoSQL databases like MongoDB and key-value stores like Redis.

The choice of database will depend on various factors, such as the type and scale of the application, the skill level of the development team, and the specific features required. MySQL and PostgreSQL are popular choices for relational databases, while MongoDB and Redis are widely used for their flexible data models and fast in-memory data storage. Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server are often used in enterprise-level applications, while Cassandra and Couchbase are popular choices for distributed databases.

It's important for developers to consider not only the technical features and benefits of each database but also the learning curve and skill level required. Some databases, like SQLite and MariaDB, are relatively easy to learn and use, while others, like Cassandra and Oracle, require more advanced skills.

In conclusion, the choice of database is an important consideration for any web development project, and developers should carefully evaluate the options and choose the one that best meets their needs.

Here are some links for more information on the top 10 most used databases in web development:

Jon Christie
